Bath time and a BEAR!

Landon put on his helmet and went rock climbing. He he:)

Go Girls!

Yosemite was our first family trip this summer and we are hoping to make it a reoccurring one. (Reservations are next to impossible, Thank you Gina's Aunty El). The boys were great and Yosemite was beautiful. We had a great time with the Woods family, but especially loved watching the boys play together. Boys and dirt always equals a good time. Grayson loved the bike rides and made sure to say hello to everyone we passed in Yosemite. I called him the ambassador. Landon was a great little hiker and expert marshmallow eater. Here are some pictures from the trip. I will add more from my camera later. The bear is real, though hard to believe. Curt got some great shots of the wildlife. Grayson was excited to see the bear and deer too, but called everything a "puppy!" So fun!!!!