Monday, January 31, 2011

Landon Lines...

Here are a few of my favorite Landon lines. He cracks us up with the things he says. Here are the recent top five...

5. "Mom, after preschool I'm gonna go to High School."

4. as he is shutting the bathroom door "Mom. Don't come in here. It's my property."

3. L - "Are we going in your car or Daddy's car?"
Mommy - "We are going in my car."
L - Does a mad huffy breath. "Mom, I don't want to go in your car. You have girl music. I want boy music."
Mommy - giggling "What is boy music?"
L - "Smashing Pumpkins"
Mommy - in my head thinking "Smashing what? I need to talk to Daddy."

4. "Mommy was I in your tummy when you were a little girl or a big girl?"
Mommy - "You were in my tummy when I was a big girl." ( If only you knew)
L - "Don't worry Mommy. I will always be your baby, but soon I am gonna go to College."
Mommy's look goes from thinking how sweet to how sad.
L - "It's ok mommy. Don't worry."

5. Let me set the scene for this last one. Grayson in teething and has been fussy most of the weekend. He is crying in the excersauser. I am desperatly trying to rip (you know what I want to say here) Christmas lights off the tree in an effort to finally get it out of my house before the end of January. I have sap stuck to both arms and some in my hair. I am not tall enough to get the last strand off, even when I am standing on a dump truck step stool and now am more pissed than 2 seconds ago. Landon is running around the house in a Darth Vader mask and playing with his new blow up light saber. I am thinking, "When is Curtis going to be home? I need someone tall and more arms." He has been gone all weekend and I am tired. We are all in our Pajamas still. I turn to see Darth Vader staring at me. He looks me in the eye, cocks his arm back, and throws the lightsaber at my head as he yells "MEET YOUR DESTINY!"
Mommy - "Really?"

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